Yellow Butterfly Winery
It seems just like yesterday we were scurrying around putting the last touches on the YB wondering silently in our minds "will they like us?" Now we're beginning our fifth season and continuing to grow and develop. These last few years have not been without their challenges but we have much to be thankful for, chief of which is the opportunity to meet such wonderful guests who have encouraged us, given us great advice and when we needed it schooled us a bit. We've appreciated it all and thank you for trusting in us to provide you with our unique Yellow Butterfly experience. Most of all we thank our God in heaven for watching over us as the Butterfly developed it's own identity. Check out our Facebook page to see all our activities during this our fifth year of serving wine and scrumptious dinners to all our friends and family. Well HAPPY FIFTH ANNIVERSARY TO US ALL...WE PLAN TO HAVE A FIFTH YEAR BLAST - ALL YEAR LONG!
11661 Blue Ridge Road
Newcomerstown, OH 43832
United States
- Regions
- Owners :
Michael White, JoAnn White - Established Date :
M Cellars
Valley Vineyards Winery and Brewery
Raven's Glenn Winery and Restaurant
Wyandotte Winery
Woodstone Creek Winery and Distillery
11661 Blue Ridge Road
Newcomerstown, OH 43832
United States
- Regions